- Leading High Performing Teams course for the MBA program at ANU
- Leadership course as part of the MBA program at ANU
- Management Consulting course as part of the MBA Program at ANU
- Management training for the Heads of Departments and Schools at the University of Sydney
- Cockpit Resource Management training for Qantas air crew
- Management training for the Department of Primary Industries and Energy
- Management training for the Department of Industry, Science and Technology
- Performance management for the Bureau of Industry Economics, the Bureau of Meteorology, the Department of Employment, Education and Training and the ACT Chief Minister’s department
- Management training for executives in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
- Program evaluation training for SES officers for the Public Service Board
- Conduct of courses on the Public Sector Management Course
- Leadership program for senior officers in the Defence Force
- Public policy programs for middle managers conducted for the NOUS Group and the Institute of Public Administration in Australia