• Review of support services and communication in the Commonwealth Treasury
  • Review of internal communications at Centrelink
  • Review of Investigation activities across the Australian Communications and Media Authority
  • Evaluation of the People Assistance and Advisory Group Staff Support Services of the Department of Environment and Heritage
  • Review of the role, size and membership criteria of the Board of the Australian Sports Commission for the Minister
  • Business process re-engineering for the Department of Primary Industries and Energy to reduce running costs by 20% for the Secretary
  • Post-implementation review of the Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs for the Secretary
  • Review of the Officer Personnel Management System for the RAAF
  • Review of the effectiveness of engineering services delivery in the Bureau of Mineral Resources
  • Costing study of Australian Heritage Commission programs
  • Business performance improvement for the ACT Motor Vehicle Registry
  • Benchmarking of services provided by Aboriginal Hostels Ltd
  • Benchmarking of the corporate services functions for the Australian Sports Commission
  • Work redesign to improve productivity for the Home Care Services NSW
  • Business Skills Review for the Industry Division in the Department of Defence
  • Review of Ministerial Coordination Unit of the ACT Department of Urban Services

  • For more information on our Efficiency and Effectiveness Reviews experience please see ‘OUR WORK FOR CLIENTS’ page on our website